Doog – hipflask

Posts Tagged: Doog

Camp Doogs

Organised by a bunch of friends, with the intention of having a sweet time and about as far removed from being commercial as you could imagine, a Camp Doogs weekend is truly one of the sweetest times a person can have. From my experience, the weekend is about connection. Connection to music and connection through music. The moment you step out of the bus, you’ll feel it. Eye contact, fresh air, music for the sake of music. We love Doogs so much that we bought a few tickets to give away to a couple of lucky people.


We’re giving away 2x tickets to Camp Doogs, riding the bus, valued at $175 each! Check our Instagram for the details.


If you love your fellow man and you want a chance to do something special with a small crowd, away from wifi, reception and all that other malarky, do what you can to get a ticket. We had a little chat with Snop Doog a.k.a Everyone Stillinhere a.k.a Stephen Bellionaire to get a better understanding about a handful of things. Get into it:


Mike: Snop, firstly, big fan, nice work. First question: If you were in jail and I was to bake you a cake and you had the option of having me hide a hacksaw in the cake so that you could cut your way out of there, but you knew that the hacksaw blade would make the cake taste like Bunnings, what would you do?

Snop: I’d eat that cake and bust out of there. The taste of sweet freedom overpowers the taste of Bunnings.

Mike: Ok, cool. How about this then: You bake a cake for a friend who’s been in jail for a while. He’s made peace with the sentence but you know the cake will really make his day. As you get out of the car, out the front of the big house, you sneeze on the cake. No boogies, just a bit of saliva that quickly evaporates. He knows you’re coming but you haven’t told him about the cake. What do you do?

Snop: I’d eat the cake and then go chill with my buddy. It’s too gross to give them my germs so the only safe option is eating all the cake.

Mike: Right, good, good.  One last question. You’re writing responses to an interview for a blog post by a local app or something and the son of a birch tree keeps banging on about cake. How would you try to ensure that your responses to his questions are worth even thinking about writing?

Snop: By reading the questions once, going out and buying some cake and then responding the the questions whilst eating cake. To truly understand the importance of cake and what I would do in each scenario. This cake is good and its a strawberry spongecake.



We’ve got 2 double passes to Based Camp – The Camp Doogs fundraiser, to give away, just hit us up on any of these and ask for one.